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Oldmachar Academy female pupils benefit from Get active @ Jesmond classes


In an effort to enhance relationships between Sport Aberdeen and local schools, a group of 20 girls were invited down for a group bike session, studio fitness and small group sessions in the gym at Get active @ Jesmond. This was a 4-week block which took place prior to the Christmas holidays.

Pupils from Oldmachar Academy thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to take part in what was a new experience for most of them.

Following the success of the sessions, S3 boys have since been given the opportunity to visit and practice their gym-based lifts and exercises under personal trainer, teacher and Active Schools supervision.

17 of the 20 girls who participated in the sessions at Get active @ Jesmond said they really enjoyed the classes and as a result, feel more confident in an exercise-based setting. Many of the girls are now considering joining as Sport Aberdeen members.

Enrika, who particularly enjoyed the different challenge, said: “It was something new, away from the school in a new environment. I liked the fact it was mainly all girls which allowed me to build confidence. I really appreciated this opportunity and it allowed me to have the correct mindset around exercising in a public gym.”

Another female who participated, Grace, said she has been enjoying the environment at the gym: “I volunteered to join one of the small groups who trained in the gym, I really liked this as we worked on squat variations and weight machines.

“The employees were really nice, funny and comforting. They explained the exercises well and talked us through warm-ups, gym routines/plans and cool downs. This has made me less stressed deciding what I can do when going into the gym and I can follow a gym plan which allows me to track my progress.”

Lily said she believes she’s gaining more confidence: “I would say yes, I am more confident, and I didn’t find it as awkward as I thought I would. I was shown new exercises, which I now feel comfortable doing. I really enjoyed the coach part, as it can be difficult when you are doing it on your own or copying a video. I signed up to the gym after the sessions finished.”

If you feel you could benefit from a personalised training plan and advice from our health and fitness instructors, then this is included in our Teen Fitness membership. Find out more here.