Eat Well Live Active

In partnership with NHS Grampian, Sport Aberdeen has developed an innovative programme to support people at risk of type 2 diabetes, or those looking for support with weight management, to be active and live well. 

Who is the programme for?

The programme is aimed at people living with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, and those who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future.

How will the programme work?

Participants will be offered the opportunity to attend a 12-week block of classes. These will be led by our team of experienced exercise instructors who will help individuals build their confidence and activity levels. They will also provide the opportunity to discuss any concerns they may have about becoming more active.

These one-hour exercise classes will include a short healthy eating discussion. Each week, we will encourage individuals to complete a 30-minute online ‘Healthy Helpings’ session before attending the class. We will discuss this at the end of the next exercise session.

The programme will help participants to become more active, consider healthy eating choices and support them to set and achieve their own personal goals.

What are the benefits?

Being active when you are at risk of, or living with, type 2 diabetes will help you to:

  • Lose weight and maintain the weight loss afterwards.
  • Improve your HbA1c (blood glucose levels).
  • Look after your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Increase your energy levels and ability to sleep.
  • Improve your overall fitness, strength and balance.
  • Reduce stress levels and boost your mood as exercise is great for your mind as well as your body.
How do I know if this is right for me?
  • I am overweight
  • I have a family history of type 2 diabetes
  • I have a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes or prediabetes
  • I have been advised by a health professional that I am at risk of developing type 2 diabetes

If one or more of the above statements apply to you, then this programme will be well suited for you. You can get involved by completing the short referral form found at the bottom of this webpage.

You shouldn’t participate in this programme if you are under 18 years of age, pregnant or in a healthy weight range.

If you have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, or you think you might have one, please speak to your GP or your health care team to decide if this is appropriate for you.

How to get involved

There are two ways to get involved:

  • Any health care professional can refer to the programme using the referral form below.
  • Alternatively, you can self-refer to the programme using the form below.